University of Islam Malang (Unisma) has been accredited as Excellent by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). The accreditation is based on the decision letter of the Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board number 1753/SK/BAN-PT/AK/PT/X/2022 which is valid from 25-October-2022 to 25-October-2027.
The rector of Unisma, Prof. Dr. H Maskuri, M.Si views the achievement of this superior institutional accreditation as a real work of all elements in Unisma, which in recent years has made various leaps.
“A long historical journey for superior institutional accreditation. At the age of 41, this is good news for Unisma to strengthen its vision and mission in making an international standard university, which is advanced in terms of science and technology and culture. It is based on the basis of ethical values, morals, and ahlussunnah wal jamaah,” he said during a media conference on Wednesday (26/10/2022).
This achievement is the first for a campus under the auspices of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). “Breaking the egg for NU universities, this is the first time an institution has received the title of Superior with a score of 368. This means that Unisma is very credible as a top university,” explained the Rector of Unisma.
Prof. Maskuri explained a number of factors that made Unisma obtain institutionally superior accreditation. In terms of research, education and teaching, it has extraordinary achievements. For example, from learning, Unisma is no longer just a transfer of knowledge because it is outcome-based education or outcome-based learning.
“Learning is carried out through Research and Development involving lecturers and students at the national and international levels,” he explained.
In terms of partnerships, partnerships have been made with universities abroad, the business world, industry, including between higher education institutions. In addition, which is an indicator, many study programs at Unisma have received Superior and A accreditation.
Through the ISK (Conversion Supplement Instrument) that has been carried out, there are 16 study programs converted to the new accreditation system, and the results are very good. The next indicator, student achievement is no longer at the regional level, but already national and even international.
“Our strategy to improve student achievement is to provide scholarships regardless of economic class. When students have achievements, they have the opportunity to get scholarships at Unisma,” explained the Rector.
Furthermore, Unisma continues to strive not to be separated from the governance, which means jointly developing the Unisma campus. Each other supports each other, both the order in institutional units, faculties, universities, and the foundation level. Synergy is a strength to build good governance and governance.
“There are 34 countries, approximately 187 institutions from universities, business institutions, and the international industrial world. Domestically, there are 480 collaborations related to the development of study programs with the business world, universities, and the government,” added the Rector.
In terms of human resources, Unisma has fulfilled the ratio of lecturers and students. Likewise, the infrastructure is equipped with laboratories, and a comfortable environment.
The last indicator is output and achievement, Unisma is preparing a research and innovation center, which produces products from each faculty. “The goal is that lecturers not only produce research but also products that are needed by the community,” concluded Prof. Maskuri in a statement.
Vice Rector for Institutional Affairs, Publications, and Information Technology, Dr. Ir. Hj. Istirochah Pujiwati, M.P. added 4 main requirements for universities to get the title of Superior. “First, the point about the quality assurance system, namely the availability of formal documents of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI). Second, SPMI must be effective in its implementation, as evidenced by the complete BPEPP cycle. All academic and non-academic activities must be quality assured,” Dr. Istirochah added.
The third requirement is the ratio of the total number of study programs. Of the 36 study programs at Unisma, the ratio of study program accreditation scores divided by the total study programs is at least 3.25, Unisma has reached 3.51. The fourth requirement is the assessment of accreditation in terms of scientific journal publications. The minimum score in the last three years of Unisma lecturers is 3.25.
“All these requirements have been met by Unisma. This is a spectacular achievement, because the Unisma campus can achieve superior accreditation, the best predicate with the criteria mentioned,” he said. He added that Unisma is the only university that received superior accreditation through the reaccreditation route for ISK.
“ISK, which used to be accredited A, was submitted to Superior accreditation. Several campuses in Malang received Excellent accreditation because they were converted from A accreditation. There are 41 universities in Indonesia with superior accreditation, and only 4 in East Java. Unisma is the only one that obtained superior accreditation through reaccreditation, not ISK. We got this data from BAN-PT. “he concluded”.
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